Write a 6-page paper that addresses the above prompt.

Write a 6-page paper that addresses the above prompt.


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The beginning of European settlement of the Americas from 1492 was marked by an extensive demand for labor. As we have discussed, the earliest forms of labor involved both coerced labor and forms of indentured servitude that utilized the work of Europeans, Native Americans and African peoples. By the late 1600s, this fluid labor arrangement became more restrictive and formalized, with a form of racially (African) based slavery imposed in North America. What factors contributed to this development? How and why did this transformation occur?

Write a 6-page paper that addresses the above prompt. All written assignments for this class should be typed, double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. They should be carefully edited and free of grammatical, spelling or typographical errors. All essays need a purposeful title. Papers must be uploaded in .doc or .docx format.

No outside sources.

Specific requirements in Files: writing workshop

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