WK Assignment 6

Research Paper

Select  a company that you are familiar with and write a paper that evaluates  several aspects of the company’s organization with respect to the  concepts that were learned in this course. In the Introduction, please  provide historical background of the company and its financial and  international dealings. The paper should be eight to ten pages in length  (excluding the title and reference pages, appendix, exhibits, etc.).   Choose four of the following topics to explain:


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Culture of the organization – values and norms
Ethics in international dealings
Foreign Direct Investment
Entry into the markets
Accounting practices
How it converts currency
Its international strategy
Strategic positioning
Marketing tactics

Your  assignment must include at least one table and/or figure within the  body of the paper that supports one of the four selected topics.  Use  proper APA formatting for the caption of your table(s) or figure(s).   You are required to use in-text citations, and to provide a reference  page with at least 10 references.
 Writing the Research Paper

Must  be nine to ten double-spaced pages in length, (excluding the title and  reference pages, appendix, exhibits, etc.), and formatted according to  APA style.
Must include a cover page that includes:

Title of paper  
Student’s name 
Course name and number 
Instructor’s name 
Date submitted 

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use at least 10 scholarly sources.

The post WK Assignment 6 first appeared on Course Scholars.

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