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please read the prompt first, and then read the CP and AP idea. (see the file)
Then, write the AP working thesis and outline. be specific. Here is the instruction of the content of the working thesis and the outline.

The Working Thesis
In a succinct but detailed paragraph, sketch out your working thesis statement for the Advocacy Project. Keep the two main objectives of the Advocacy Project PromptPreview the document in mind: introduce and evaluate one or more significant efforts to address the problem you described in your CP; and then develop an argument about which of the efforts to address the problem work best, explain why, and offer possible next steps; OR make the case that none of the efforts to address the problem works, explain why, and offer possible next steps.
Unlike the CP, an expository essay that asks you to use your research to describe the problem, the AP requires you to stake out a clear position in a thesis statement that you must defend through deeply engaged research. In your working thesis, present your argument as it stands right now. See more details at


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What possible solutions are you considering to respond to your problem? Which one are you arguing for, and why? (Consider bringing in the argumentative strategies of causation, coverage, cost/benefit, feasibility, and comparison), as well as concepts from Méndez’s Climate Change from the Streets, including the idea of a multi-scalar approach. If you are arguing that none of the efforts work, use the same argumentative strategies to explain why. If you’re still unsure of what effort you might argue for, use your working thesis to begin to lay out the pros and cons of the various solutions you’ve uncovered so far.

Just as you did for the CP, create a detailed outline for your Advocacy Project as it stands right now. You can write out short paragraphs or make use of section headings and bullet points–make indents and use different colors as fits your style. Arrange this outline in whatever way makes the most sense to you. At the very least, your outline should: Identify the controlling idea for each of your body paragraphs. Do your best to ensure that each body paragraph ties back to your working thesis. Within each of those body paragraphs, identify the sources you might bring in to provide evidence to support the main idea of that particular paragraph (feel free to draw from your annotations and to bring indirect quotations here, if you’d like to).

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