What advise will you give Mrs. Billingsly based on your appraisal of the five articles?Discuss

Read the short “Case of Mrs. Billingsly” provided below.

Case of Mrs. Billingsly
Mrs. Billings is calling the office to ask about whether alternating acetaminophen and ibuprophen for fever in her 6-year-old who was just diagnosed with Influenza She has only ever used acetaminophen but her sister-in-law insists alternating the two is better. She specifically concerned about the safety of combining the two and whether alternating the two medications do a better job of keeping the temp down than one alone.    He currently has a temp of 101.7 using an ear thermometer. What advice will you give Mrs. Billingsly?


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What advise will you give Mrs. Billingsly based on your appraisal of the five articles?

Research Articles
Arpa M, (2010) Does acetaminophen in comparison to Ibuprofen effectively reduce fevers in children younger than 18 years of age. Pediatric Nursing DOI: 105083219 Link    arpa.pdf
Mullins, ME., Empey, M., Jaramillo, D., Sosa, S., Human, T., Diringer, MN., Mullins, Mi.., Empey, M.., Jaramillo, D., Sosa, S., Human, T, &  Diringer,M. (2011) A prospective randomized study to evaluate the antipyretic effect of the combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in neurological ICU patients. Neurocritical Care 3, 375-379 DOI: 10.1007/s12028-011-9533-8  mullins.pdf

Jayawardena, S. & Kellstein, D. (2017) Antipyretic Efficacy and Safety of Ibuprofen Versus Acetaminophen Suspension in Febrile Children: Results of 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Single-Dose Studies. Clinical Pediatrics 56(12) 1120-1128. DOI: 10.1177/0009922816678818.  jayawardena.pdf

Matok, I., Elizur, A., Perlman, A., Ganor, S., Levine, H., & Kozer, E. (2017) Association of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Use With Wheezing in Children With Acute Febrile Illness.  Annals of Pharmacotherapy DOI:  10.1177/1060028016678006

Wong, T.,  Thomsen, A., Stang, A., Ganshorn, H., Hartling, L., Maconochie, I., & Johnson, D.  (2014)  Combined and alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen therapy for febrile children. Evidence-Based Child Health DOI: 10.1002/ebch.1978 wong.pdf


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