Unit VII Research Paper

  In Unit VII, submit your research paper on your chosen domestic pre- and post-9/11 terrorist event. 
The research paper must be written using the following outline structure: 
1. Title page 

2. Introduction: In this section, identify the two terrorist events that have been previously selected, and briefly explain why these events serve as good comparison points for evaluating how terrorist activities have evolved over time. 


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This section should be at least one page in length.  HLS 2050, Introduction to Terrorism 5 3. Pre-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the first terrorist event that is being used for comparison. 

The description of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and eventual outcome of the event. 

This section should be at least one page in length. 4. Post-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the second terrorist event that is being used for comparison. The description of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and eventual outcome of the event. 

This section should be at least one page in length. 5. Terrorist events comparison: In this section, compare and contrast the two terrorist events that were described in the previous sections. Suggested areas for comparison include (1) motivations for attacks, (2) methods of attack, (3) impact on society, and (4) lessons learned from attacks that can be used to develop counterterrorist strategies.

 You should also discuss how terrorist strategies have evolved from the first event to the second event. This section of the research paper should be at least one pages in length. 

6. Summary and conclusions: In this section, summarize the evolution of terrorism based upon the two selected events. This section should be at least one page in length. 

7. References: Provide a reference list that is formatted per APA (6th ed.) guidelines. 

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