Social Engineering

As you analyze any modern corporate setup, you will see that companies want to ensure that all users are aware of their own individual responsibility to help protect the enterprise. Social engineering (SE) is becoming a more prevalent threat at all levels of business. To combat it, you first need to understand it. Therefore, you must complete the following:

Describe what social engineering is and explain its existence and prevalence.
Explain why SE is an important part of an information technology security course.
Perform statistical research in the social engineering area providing the following: (1) Describe the current percentage of cyber attacks relying on social engineering and the percentage of attacks from both internal and externa sources; and (2) Describe how these percentages impact the current corporate social engineering incident response effort.
Discuss employee and management responsibilities with regard to information security and combating SE. Make sure your work clarifies your opinion as to who carries more responsibility for preventing SE-the employees or management. Provide examples to back up your statements.


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Prepare a 1-2 page Word document that covers the above areas.

The post Social Engineering first appeared on Essay Teachers.

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