Science-based Nursing Theories

Science-based Nursing Theories

  1. Which science-based theories do you think are the most useful to advanced practice nurses, and why?

Interpersonal Theory


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This theory stresses on a decent rapport between the health professional and the patients (Malinski, 2006). Proper identification of the patient’s condition, prescribing treatment procedures and making a resolution encompasses this theory. According to this theory, nursing should viewed as a process of developing individual personality through the various therapeutic and interactive developments (Malinski, 2006). This theory is particularly critical for patients with psychological and mental health problems as it helps in developing personal relationship among various concerned parties together with the patient.Science-based Nursing Theories

Self-Care Theory

This theory accentuates on a range of physical, psychosomatic and socio-economic aspects that are related to nursing (Malinski, 2006). The theory further emphasizes on the completeness of the established human structures and on the functionality of the human body (Malinski, 2006). According this theory, an individual should be self-reliant and accountable for their own care and that of their close and intimate family. The theory asserts that having a thorough knowledge of potential health issue is crucial in promoting the self-care conducts (Malinski, 2006).


Transcultural Nursing Theory

To this theory, the primary objective of nursing is to ensure an efficient and convenient provision of care that is corresponding to the various cultural issues (Malinski, 2006). Knowing the cause of a condition and prescribing treatments to the patient must be done within the inherent beliefs and practices of the patient in question. Per se, nurses and other health workers should strive at a thorough comprehension of the various ideals and life-style of the patients and ensure their proper care (Malinski, 2006). Science-based Nursing Theories


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