SAP BPC Analysis

You need to apply the Management and Information System (MIS) concepts

The research is about evaluating the SAP Business planning and consolidation system BPC


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The research will include several parts.

1. One Page abstract about the System idea and why it is selected to be evaluated.

2. Evaluation of the planning elements of the system after commissioning
a. The system Goal
b. Elements of expected success
c. Obstacles and difficulties, and the means to avoid them or Reducing its impact.
d. Determine the audience or the beneficiary group
e. Determine the sponsor system (model and source of revenue realization or project financing)
f. A plan of general operations in the system
g. Marketing plan for the system
h. Requirements for procedures for dealing with the system (Payment, complaints, suggestions, …..)

3. Evaluating the system analysis and design.
a. Evaluate the following for each functions and job the system dose: You should include the advantages and disadvantages of the process.
i. Inputs
ii. Processing
iii. Output

b. Here, write about the elements of the system and their relevance must be evaluated and how it integrated to achieve the goal of the system. You should include the advantages and disadvantages.

4. Evaluating some of the supporting points You should include the advantages and disadvantages for each point below.
a. Reference to the system. Just few words.
b. an introductory on the means to support and assist the beneficiaries of the system. Just few words.
c. The work policies, privacy policies and intellectual property of the system. Just few words.

There are no references here and it should come from experience, but you might include one you are explaining the system at the first.

Please let me know if you need one more page.

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