Sample Composition Paper on Communication with Technology

Communication with Technology

Communication is an important part of human living, without which life can be quite boring. Communication by definition is the passing of information from one entity to another. Communication skills are of a wide range including verbal communication, gestures, body language, and the written word kind of communication (Golden et al. 1415). Communication skills change from time to time based on the level of technological exposure at that time. This has led to differences in communication styles or the understanding of communication among different generations. Technology plays a major role in designing the shape and the kind of communication in which people engage in. The advancement of technology and the birth of the Internet communication among other things have raised mixed feelings among individuals. The main question is always to determine if these technological advancements are beneficial or harmful to the society in terms of communication (Katz 71). The answer to this question depends on which side one chooses to focus on because technology has both negative and positive impacts on communication, which are going to be the focus of this paper.


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Looking at the positive perspective, technology enhances communication in many ways. Through text messaging and Internet communication, such as e-mailing, Facebook, and Tweeter, technology has made the process of communication easier and faster. As a result of globalization and free movement around the world, people are often separated from their loved ones in pursuit of education or career wise (Gopnick 432). In the past, this would mean total separation until one served their course, but that is no longer the case with technology. One can Skype and talk to his or her loved ones from time to time, thus ensuring family ties are not broken. In addition, the use of emails and text messages enables one to communicate with other people regardless of their location. Technology has also made communication faster, as stated above. Today, it is easy to communicate via texts to a wide range of people faster and especially in case of a crisis. This has helped reduce issues of terrorism and violence since it is easy to reach the authorities via the advanced communication channels. The use of emails and the entire Internet communication helps in office communications as well as in education systems (Unwin 211). A person can be managing different organizations or a single organization with many departments, but can reach all the staff via email without interrupting the daily operations.

On the other hand, technology can be a crippling agent of communication. The continual use of slang and abbreviation in social networks affects people’s ability to write and communicate formally. People are forgetting the normal routine of communication, especially in writing and replacing it with abbreviation mode used in unofficial communication. Today, managers and bosses receive funny emails addressed in some funny language and so are teachers in grade schools (Wood and Smith 143). It is clear that technology is affecting people’s ability to write correct grammar or even express their ideas in the right manner. In addition, technology has affected personal relationships among people. People are replacing face-to-face communication with the use of emails and text messages. The time people spent glued on their computers or phones exceeds that which they spent interacting with one another. This has led to a lost sense of community. Children are lacking the attention they should get from their parents even when they are physically together. Parental care has deteriorated as a result of advanced technology as parents would rather spend time on the phone than with their children. Conflict resolutions as well as public speaking are other issues that have suffered because of technological communication (Lin and Atkin 56). Public communication is enhanced by personal interactions, something that has been replaced by the use of the Internet. Moreover, people are taking the easy way out to solve conflicts by sending messages other than confronting the situation face to face with the concerned party.

The truth is technology has its advantages but in terms of communication, the negatives outweigh the positives. As much as the use of the Internet communication seems easier, it is replacing something far more important in communication, namely human contact (Grant and Meadows 67). Communication via the Internet leads people to living in a fairy tale kind of life. As a result, people tend to replace the norm with the fiction and in the end suffer or experience strained relationships with others either at work or in a community set up. Communication is an essential part of living, therefore, there is a need to protect and uphold the essential aspects of communication for general success (Ronau 54). Care must be taken on how technology is applied in communication otherwise things, such as family ties as well as community moral standards ill be compromised. This will not only be a big blow to the education sector, but the entire economic regime as most of the graduates will not be fit for public service due to their lack of people skill.



Works Cited

Golden, Timothy, Veiga, John and Dino, Richard. “The impact of professional isolation on     teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: does time spent on teleworking face-   to-face, or having access to communication enhance technology matter?” journal of     applied psychology 93.6 (2008): 1412-1421. Print.

Gopnick, Alison. “Diagnosing the digital revolution: why it’s so hard to tell if it’s really   changing us.” Digital literacies (2011): 429-433. Print.

Grant, August and Meadows, Jennifer. Communication technology update and fundamentals. Taylor & Francis, 2013. Print.

Katz, James. Machines that became us: the social context of personal communication             technology. Transaction publisher, 2007. Print.

Lin, Carolyn and Atkin, David. Communication technology and social change: theory and      implications. Routledge, 2009. Print.

Ronau, Robert N., Christopher R. Rakes, and Margaret Niess. Educational technology, teacher    knowledge, and classroom impact a research handbook on frameworks and approaches. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2012. Print

Unwin, P. T. H. ICT4D: information and communication technology for development.             Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Print.

Wood, Andrew and Smith, Mathew. Online communication: linking technology, identity, &       culture. Routledge, 2004. Print.




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