
Click video link and review content: video discusses characteristics of social entrepreneurs and examples of successful
social ventures.
b)  Following the ideas of social ventures presented in the video, design your own social
enterprise. Important note: A successful social enterprise/venture must have a positive
social effect on the society and must be commercially viable or profitable.
c)  Presentation Guidelines – Power Point Presentation – Present your analysis and social
enterprise idea in an innovative way. Each student is expected to support his/her presentation with 5-6 slides. The slides should contain: a) Describe the problem that you want to solve (health, poverty, environmental etc.) b) Explain your value proposition and why your idea is valuable; c) Describe your customer segments and why your customer will be interested in your value proposition or offering; d) Identify and assess: the key resources required to execute your idea, key activities, partnerships & channels of distribution; e) Describe your revenue model and cost structure; and f) Analyze the impact of your competitive environment and relevant macro-environmental factors on your cost structure and revenue model; g) What makes you credible to start this business? Your presentation should include quality pictures to tell the story of how you developed your idea- Presentation should be around 6-8minutes in length.

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