Monitoring Tasks

 Sidney Park Health System is experiencing a shortage of coders. Over the  past five years, there has been a 30% vacancy rate for coders  throughout the main hospital and satellite clinics within the healthcare  system. The backlog and vacant positions has created an issue related  to unbilled revenue, overworked coders and extended work hours and  schedules. It is estimated that there is an annual loss of $12 million.  It has also been communicated that many of the qualified coders that  were offered a position declined because they are interested in working  from home. To address the problem, the health information management  department is proposing that there be an implementation of a home-based  coding system. This concept is feasible, given that Sidney Park Health  System utilizes an electronic health record and all patient information  is available electronically. You have been assigned as the project  manager to oversee the feasibility and implementation of this project. 

The project  manager is responsible for monitoring the completion and  progress of tasks for  the entire project. Based on the tasks defined  in your timeline, develop a plan  to monitor task completion. For  instance, what activities will you set to  communicate the completion  and progress of tasks (i.e., weekly meetings, committee  meetings, email  updates, etc.)?


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Hypothetically,  assign estimates of completion and/or progress to each task.        

Note: Some tasks should be accurately estimated while others are  ahead of schedule and some behind schedule.

Summarize  the differences in estimated completion and actual completion.        

If the actual start or finish dates are later than  originally  estimated, select factors that may have caused a delay and  evaluate the  importance of the factors to the delay.

Discuss  how monitoring tasks contribute to the successful  completion of tasks and  proactively addressing tasks that are behind  schedule.
Outline  the activities planned to communicate the completion and progress of tasks.

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