Leadership Skills

This assignment is designed to make you think critically about the relationship between your leadership skills and your professional goals and objectives. Begin by reflecting on your desired professional future. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  What position do you aspire to have?  What does your future work environment look and feel like? What might you be doing during a typical day or week at work?  What kinds of people would be around you in your desired position?  What type of leadership skills and competencies will you be needing and utilizing?

The assignments to date have provided you with insights about effective leadership competencies and skills. It is now time to apply these ideas and prepare a leadership plan for yourself.  Use the following materials to complete your plan:


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Reflection journal completed during Week 1 to assess your leadership style and skills.
Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire and Leadership Style Questionnaire.
Ask two professional sources to complete the Feedback on Leadership Competencies (located in Canvas, under Administrative Documents and Rubrics). Check more information at

Complete the Competency Assessment Summary Sheet (located in Canvas, in the Modules tab under Administrative Documents and Rubrics).
Review the coaching report that was completed by your classmate and use pertinent elements from this report to help develop your plan.
Assignment Requirements (2 parts):

Presentation: Prepare a 5 – 8 slide presentation (voice over is not required) that summarizes your leadership development plan. The presentation (Power Point, Prezi, or other format) should include:
Your professional goals and objectives for the future.
The areas you have identified as your strengths and weaknesses
Your plan for improving your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses
What kind of assistance will you seek in achieving your professional goals?
A timeline for accomplishing your professional goals
Report: Prepare a 4 – 5 page (not including the above documents which will be submitted as attachments), graduate level paper, in APA format, 12 font, double spaced, with a title page, abstract, and references. Using the information gained from the above assessments, summarize the material and clearly explain what changes you will need to consider, if any, in your leadership style, and how your leadership mindset will need to be adjusted to achieve your professional goals and objectives.

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