Last of the Just

Using for support a selection of key scenes, moments, and quoted lines from the portion of Last of the Just that depicts the Levy men in the 20th century (Mordecai as an elderly man and Benjamin’s adulthood to Ernie’s death in Auschwitz), please explain how Schwarz-Bart attempts to represent both the “outside and the inside” of the

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Holocaust by unexpectedly combining the Historical novel with the psychological struggles surrounding the modern Jewish identity-crisis of his protagonist Ernie. Your essay should devote more analysis to Ernie’s struggle than the other two figures in question.  In examining Ernie’s plight, be certain to locate the climax (either psychological or plot driven or both) of the Ernie’s conflict, as well as the peripety and anagnorisis of that story; in explaining these aspects of Ernie’s struggle, you should be simultaneously explaining a major theme of the novel!


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