Last Minute IP5

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Assignment Guidelines


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Revise your Phase 4 Key Assignment according to instructor feedback and peer responses.  
Next, add the following sections to your final Key Assignment draft: 

Sexual Assault Laws

What are the specific laws of your state regarding rape? Your response must be in your own words.  
How do your state’s laws differentiate between adult and juvenile rape victims? Explain.  
If the victim were 14 years old, the suspect were 17 years old, and the sex was consensual, how would this affect the ability to charge the suspect with the crime in your state?  
What if the victim were 14, the suspect were 17, and the rape were forced—how would this then effect your ability to charge the individual?  
In the given incident from the Phase, what would the likely charges be against the suspect? 

Work Stress

What types of stress-relieving techniques would you recommend that an investigator use regularly? Explain.  
How can stress on the crime scene affect an investigator’s conduct? Explain.  
What are the department’s options when dealing with a detective who is under a lot of stress?  
What would you recommend be done with an investigator who is under a significant amount of stress? Why?  

Can the department force the detective to get psychological help to combat the stress? 

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