Individual: Securing and Protecting Information

Use reading assignments and conduct valid and necessary research to complete this assignment.


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Your company is debating transferring all of their information to a Cloud storage provider. The CFO feels this move is a big cash savings plan, one that could save the company a lot of money. The CIO feels the risk is too high and wants you to develop an Awareness presentation and Information Guide handout to outline the Pros and Cons of this storage plan. You will present this presentation at an executive session next week.

Create a 2-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® Awareness presentation. Include the following:

  • Refer to the topics as listed in the linked Week Five Individual assignment and use which topics are appropriate for this assignment
  • Adequate references to support your findings, information, and opinions
  • A minimum of two outside academic references are required
  • Videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate
  • Substantial speaker notes to elaborate on the key points of your plan
  • APA Formatting

Create a 1-page Microsoft® Word Information Guide on this presentation. Include the following:

  • Goals and objectives of the presentation in summary form
  • Adequate references to support your findings, information, and opinions
  • A minimum of two outside academic references are required
  • APA Formatting

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit both parts of the assignment.

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Individual: Securing and Protecting Information was first posted on February 22, 2021 at 7:02 pm.
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Individual: Securing and Protecting Information was first posted on February 22, 2021 at 7:14 pm.
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