In a bid to improve the whole organizational and even the strategies of the organization the human resources managers have put Into play the intermittent schedules of reinforcement which enables employees to be driver towards the achievements of the organization goal through the implementation of the intermittent schedules of reinforcement. Reinforcement Is an extremely Important principle of conditioning mainly used by top managers to move or drive their subordinates in the work place thus a process of shaping behavior by controlling its consequences.
Because according to Box et al 2007)he views human resource as the management of work and people towards a desired end. This reinforcement theory is sometimes called the operant conditioning as Its mall focus Is on the operant behavior and its associated consequences. According to Copper et al (2007) intermittent schedules of reinforcement are used when maintaining previously learned behavior. Anderson also argues that behavior at the work place is either shaped with the positive and negative reinforces.
The positive mainly on the rewarding bases of the employee for a good job well done and the universe follows that the negative reinforces involves the amoeba of something undesirable in order to alter behavior. But we can not Introduce the reinforcement theory leaving aside the important behaviorism B. F. Sullener who derived the reinforcement theory which seem to be one of the still standing oldest theory of motivation as a way to explain behavior and why we do what we do.
The theory also known as the behaviorism or operant conditioning which is still commonly taught in psychology nowadays. The theory states that “an Individual behavior Is a function of Its consequences” (Management Study gulled 2013) Furthermore what is called the reinforcement scheduling is the essential time the rewards, punishment and timing of these outcomes but deference seem to exist between mulling and frequents of the reinforces. TLS reinforces mainly used to explain work place process such as payment system, absenteeism and motivation to mention but a few.
Moreover Fester and Skinner argues that there are mainly two types of Intermittent schedules of reinforcement, firstly those that occurs at fixed number of desired response and those schedules that appear regularly or Irregularly which are called variables. Through the ideals of the two schedules the four intermittent reinforcement schedules are then formed. This shall all be explained in ‘OFF Fixed interval schedules it follows that a constant amount of time could pass before a reinforce is provided.
In other words behavior pattern almost stops after a reward until the next also offers an example of employee performance review for a raise every year and not in between. (Heifer,2001)Thus is really true in the human resources management as there treat employees like humans not assets their try by all means to satisfy their workers through a payment yester of every month or per week depending on the organization’s financial stamina.
This is also good as money is there to meet all our basic needs of people according to Moscow (1943) hierarchy of needs “a theory of human motivation”. There by in short here is been used as a driver to drive the workforce for the enabling of the organizational goal. For example in most of the farms in the peripheral area like Chainman area a farm called Charter almost all the workforce are given their money after a certain period of time but especially on the second day of each month.
However on the other side of the coin this fixed interval schedules are to some extent weak as there tend to denominated people especially when the organization has failed to pay the employees at the intended time. Variable interval schedules those are one of the schedules that the human resource management can apply the intermittent schedules for it is considered vital to the organization,this is only achieved through the application of the intermittent schedules like the variable interval schedule this defines a schedule where a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed.
Once the behavior have been reinforce by the human resources managers a new interval have to put in place either long or shorter this depends on the main focuses of the organizational objectives and the implementation of those objectives with the human resources managers there specify the sum total of the interval time with the average( Hut and Hummel 1997).
This is best explained in the corporate random drug screening will be conducted every three months or so, however because the screening will happen sooner or later after or before 4 months with the average interval time of equaling round 3 months, causing of this issue the scalloping effect of this schedule is therefore solved(Hut and it produces a slow,but a steady rate of response, but examples are draw from human resources managers giving their subordinates a kind of special recognition of a Job well done thus through the giving always of certificates like the best employee of the year this is done to effectively boost the employee work morale and he also gain a sense of belonging according to the Moscow hierarchy if needs.
Moreover it is characterized by resistance of extinction, and very minimal pause after reinforcement is given. This heron have got an interlink with the human resource management approach to the organization that is called management by walking around thus the MBA approach to the organization that enables managers to effectively walk around to see whether the workforce is working accordingly, this is done frequently. The fixed ratio schedules of reinforcement theory means that reinforcement should be delivered after a constant or fixed number of correct responses for example a fixed ratio of 2 means that reinforcement should be done after every 2 correct responses.
It is sometimes abbreviated as FRR with the number of the correct loser if it . This mostly done by human resource managers that employees piece jobs thus after a certain amount of time or piece of Job you will get paid for that. In Zanzibar this is realistic especially Zees there can employee anyone to read meter boxes of a certain area after the reading you are in a better position to be paid accordingly to the agreed amount of money hence this increase their speed of the worker to effectively work hard at a maximum speed. However these schedules tend to be costly as the workers are likely to make valuable mistake that will tannins the hole image of the organization.
Like there can harass clients because there know that his Jobs is going to end after the collection of the meter reading. Hence there is a probability of organization repeat to be tarnished through the employment of uneducated hooligans into the piece Job system as there tend to rub the good image of the organization hence it is good for the human resource to take these into consideration when implementing the fixed ratio schedule into play. The variable ratio schedules to his occur mainly when a responses is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. This schedule creates a high steady rate if responding. A clear example can be derived from the gambling or lottery game.
Slot machines: Players have no way that how many times there have to play until they win the game thus the reason why slots machines are so effective and why players are so reluctant to quit playing the game the human resource feels good when dealing with such a strategy tactic because there is always the possibility that the next game there we win the game and even take for the example of the call bonuses. One expectation is that which was given by Hulk, Wesley ,and Seymour(1972) which examine the effectiveness of pay incentives under the variable and continues reinforcement schedules, it was taken under condition which were more similar to an organizational environment. In a stimulated Job situation subjects worked for an hour/day for a period of two weeks, subjects were paid $1. 50/her for the first week.
At the beginning of the second week subjects were randomly assigned for the three incentives conditions,ICC incentive with a continuous reinforcement schedule,ICC incentive with a 50% variable ratio schedule and a ICC incentive allowed by a 50% variable schedule. It was therefore found that employees were motivated when using the variable ratio schedule than the continuous schedule. It sounds as if human resources managers could implement this schedule the employee get motivated to work hard because each successful behavior will increase the probability of the reinforcement for example salesman at a car sale. The more the cars he sales the more the more money he gets from commission. Hence here employee will be motivated to work for himself and also this increases profit ND productivity of the workforce towards the same object of organizational goal.
Fixed interval schedules this mean that reinforcement becomes available after a specific period of time have elapsed Smith (2010), moreover the schedule can also be shortened as Fl followed by the amount of time that must pass before reinforcement becomes available like OFF meaning that OFF means that reinforcement must be available after every 2 minutes . Heifer (2001) offers an clear example of an employee performance review for a raise in every year and not in between. However there me to be scalloping effect between the intervals that is been caused by the 1997)This type of reinforcement usually used well by the human resource managers when learning a new behavior in the organizations or punishment.
This is also is stated by the Michigan matching model of human resource that says appraisal selection, development and our main thrust Reward what makes the human resource management function towards the overall organizational goal. Hence this is agreed when using the intermittent schedules that monetary rewards are essential to motivate workers for the betterment of organizational goal. However to the other extend the human resources may tend to fail to meet the rewards especially when there are some economic constrain like inflation that hinders the payment of workers hence the workers will become denominated or go to strike and make demonstration that makes or tannins the overall reputation of the company.
In addition to that the installing of the reinforcement schedules such as variable interval schedules this enables employee to work effectively towards the achievement of an organizational goal, because only that the employees does not have a clear knowledge of when the performance review is going to come hence he is always on his toes to ensure that the company goal have been meet at the intended time(Remind,2010)This is mainly done to the McGregor theory “x” and Y,which says that the x-workers are those workers born with the natural dislikes of work and on the contrary the y-workers are those that are born with the likings of work rather their feel work as playing hence the application of the theory is applicable especially when we are dealing with the x-workers this enable them to work harder towards the achievement of the organizational goal. The theory of reinforcement is easily applied to the organization by the human resource managers as the theory deals with learned behaviors therefore we can be able to say it is not cumbersome to apply those reinforcements schedules into the organizations.
Upon Joining a company workers workers often deals with certain stimuli, responses, and their consequences. Because the behavior are rewarded or punished it can be easy to encourage or change workers’ responds by manipulating the stimulus (Operant Conditioning, 2006) The reinforcement theory provides with it clues to motivations unlike the Need Theory to motivation which places more emphases on the internal need rather than the external needs that the reinforcement is more focused on. Thus within the workplace the organization, workplace organizational management theorist look to the so called environment in a bid to explain and control people’s behavior.
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