Hong Kong Identity

Identity Politic: July 1st, 2003 Protest Agenda 1. Introduction • 1. 1. What is identity politic • 1. 2. Political events that have affected HK Identity 2. July1st, 2003 protest 3. Conclusion 1. 1. What is Identity Politic • Identity politics: Identity as a politic • Development of identity politic • Past v. s Present Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 1. 2. Political events that affected HK Identity Tiananmen Square After WWI: Refugee Identity Mistrust of Chinese Government Article 23 After 1960: Local HK Identity 1997 Handover 2013
Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 2. July1st, 2003 protest • Annual protest led by Civil Human Rights Front • Article 23 • The Hong Kong SAR shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People’s Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies
Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Concerns Pros • British government also had repressive acts • e. g Society Ordinance and the Public Order Ordinance Cons • Police is allowed to enter houses and arrest people without warrant/evidence • No freedom of speech • Violation of Article 23 can result in a life term in a prison • Any organization can be banned by PRC Conclusion Introduction July 1st Protest HK people identity

Identity of general HK people • Pragmatism • Individualism • Narrowing gap between HK people/ mainlanders: ambitious, adaptable, practical and clever • Widening gap between HK people/ mainlanders : valuing free speech, press freedom, privacy and equality Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion HK people identity Parties that affect HK people identity HK people identity British colonial period rule of law, democracy, freedom of speech Chinese Government formal education, flag-raising ceremonies visits to the mainland Introduction
July 1st Protest Conclusion Identity illustrated by July 1st, 2003 • Widening gap • Antagonism vs. Pragmatic Nationalism and Liberalized Nationalism • Cosmopolitan identity: HK’s dream, opportunities in society, has affected to local’s commitment to democracy Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 3. Conclusion • Evident that Article 23 politic widened the gap of “issue in rights of HK people” ex. Free speech, press freedom, valuing privacy, valuing equality • But still the trend is that people feel less gap with mainlanders • ainland’s characteristic change • HK people affected by mainland government’s media, education, and ceremonies. • No identity is perfectly coherent; there is inconsistencies Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Questions to discuss • What are the evolving features of the local political identity, culture and participation • What is the essence of the conflicts between the local and national identities of HK people? • What are the reasons for the rise of new activism, and what is its impact? Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion


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