home work

Written Assignment 1
Consider a potential social science research project that you would like to conduct. Describe the project very briefly and then focus on the three major aspects of your project: 

Define your research puzzle. It should be something that you are curious about to explore. Consider the following model research scenario: “I boil a gallon of water in 3 minutes at the top of the Mount Washington, but it takes me 10 minutes to boil it in Miami, FL.”); 
Define the research question based on the research puzzle. In the same model example above, you can come up with the following question, “Why does water boil faster at the top of a mountain than at the sea level?”; 
Come up with a solid work hypothesis that would give provisional explanation(s) of the phenomena you are interested in. The following could be one of the work hypothesis in the model scenario above, “Water boils faster at lower atmospheric pressures than at higher pressure.” 
Pick a theory that would provide tentative frameworks of reference for operationalization of your project. From our example, “Atmospheric pressure is important to consider in planning to boil water at different locations.” 


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Written assignment instructions: 

Each of the section should take not more than 1-2 paragraphs. 
Please, make sure to include citations and full bibliography using APA style guidelines. 
Please, keep the length of your submissions to 2-3 pages, double-spaced.

The post home work first appeared on Course Scholars.

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