Using the decision-making model, describe the consumer decision-making process for an individual seeking a new primary care physician.
Go to a local health care system and under “Choose a doctor” (or similar wording allowing a search for physicians associated with that center), search for a primary care physician.
Discuss how the doctor’s information is positioned to make him or her a good choice.
What types of information are included?
What types of information do you feel are missing?
Why do you feel this is important from a marketing perspective?
Make 2 recommendations for ways to influence that decision at different points in the process.
How would the health care organization you chose conduct a post-purchase evaluation of your satisfaction with this physician and his or her site?
NOTE: You need to support your work with at least 4 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past 5 years.
Deliverable Length:  3-5 pages excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages

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