Health and Environment Nursing Interventions Assignment

Health and Environment

Background: Having a chronic health condition can affect how a person interacts with their surrounding environment. Each person is affected by a condition based on culture, ethnicity living arrangements, income, support system, and available resources. As a nurse, it is your responsibility to help the patient adapt to the disease process without complications and achieving one’s full potential while attending to the condition.


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Project Details:

You are a nurse working in a primary care medical clinic. Mrs. Sally Kern is newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type II. Mrs. Kern has been prescribed accuchecks twice daily, Glucophage 500mg BID, for her diabetes, and she also takes metoprolol succinate 50mg daily for hypertension. Her fasting blood glucose was 280mg/dl. Mrs. Kern is widowed, African American, originally from Alabama and aged 64, she does not yet qualify for Medicare and is currently underinsured. Mrs. Kern is five feet, four inches in height and weighs 190 lbs. Mrs. Kern works full-time at a grocery store as a check-out clerk, has two adult children, owns her own small home, but has difficulty with transportation. As Mrs. Kern’s nurse you need to develop a plan of care which takes into consideration her unique medical condition, socio-economic considerations, and living environment. You also need to provide quality, priority patient education to Mrs. Kern, taking into consideration its effects on her livelihood currently and in the future. Additionally, consider how this client will need to make lifestyle changes and interact within the healthcare system.

In your role as a nurse, it is essential that you communicate to the patient how health goals can be achieved through specific planning and prioritization from diagnosis of the condition to management of the disease.

Write a 2-3 page research paper using, New-Times Roman, and a 12 point font (excluding the title and reference pages) that addresses the following:

Important: Include proper APA citation using 6th edition formatting and citation of at least two peer-reviewed journal articles obtained from the university library’s databases. Additional citations you locate via the library may come from non-peer reviewed, but reliable sources.

APA Guidelines

1) Conduct a basic search in a scholarly database on an environmental issue that can impact an individual’s health.

a) Using the advanced search option, use keywords related to your to topic to refine your search. How may this condition impact Mrs. Kern’s health and her interaction with the world around?

b) Please provide a brief explanation of strategies used (search criteria, approach, selection process, etc.) to refine the search for an environmental issue that can impact this client’s unique medical condition, socio-economic considerations, and living environment.

c) Then discuss the unique environmental considerations regarding this client’s healthcare use and disease management.

2) Discuss the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus Type Two, include in your discussion how you would explain this medical condition to your client.

3) Compile a Nursing Diagnosis (at least three) regarding Diabetes Mellitus Type Two and this client’s unique circumstances. Each Nursing Diagnosis needs to be in the proper format of “related to” and “as evidenced by” in regards to Diabetes Mellitus Type Two and Mrs. Kern. For your most important nursing diagnosis you need to include the full nursing process details: Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Interventions, and Evaluation (ADPIE).

4) Include a discussion on medications that were prescribed to your patient. Your responses should be clearly established and sustained, as well as original and insightful to receive credit. For your medication discussion, consider the following questions:

5) What antidiabetic drug class and dose has the client been prescribed, is this an appropriate choice? Why or why not?

6) What are the associated nursing implications including side effects, adverse effects, and nursing considerations for administering the newly prescribed Glucophage? If taken with her metoprolol succinate?

7) What education do you want to provide to your patient about their condition and the medication they have been prescribed?

8) What considerations does the nurse need have in in providing patient education?

9) What ethical dilemmas might you face when dealing with the patient, family and the condition? How will you handle these dilemmas?

10. Use APA style formatting guidelines:

a. Your paper should demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics.

b. The paper should include a clearly identifiable thesis statement and discuss a minimum of three points which back-up the thesis.

c. The paper should be very well-ordered and each paragraph must have a strong internal organization. Transitions between and within paragraphs should be clear.

d. Your writing style should be appropriate to the Assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).

e. Include a title page and reference page and make sure your writing is free of serious errors. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling should help to clarify the meaning of your paper by following accepted Standard English conventions.

f. Citations must follow APA 6th edition guidelines.

g. Remember: You must include at least two peer-reviewed references to support your argument. Be sure you know the difference between references and citations.

h. Resources for APA 6th edition and writing help: The Writing Center link can be found in the student portal.

Helpful Hints for Using the Library:

If you have not already done so, please view the library orientation.


  • You will want to locate and familiarize yourself with CINAHL, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature.
  • When using CINAHL or any other database from EBSCO, ProQuest, Ovid, or others, be sure to check “Peer Reviewed” to ensure your search returns high-quality, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • You can try locating research throughout your paper, but the section on privacy might be a particular area you can reinforce your ideas with research . For example, in a library database search fields, combine search terms such as “HIPAA” and “Medication Privacy Issues,” or “Ethics.” If at first you don’t succeed, try alternate search terms until you locate appropriate, peer-reviewed journal articles for this Assignment. For hints and help with search terms and using additional resources, contact the university’s professional librarians (see the “Ask-a-Librarian Services” section of the Library’s website for details on how).

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