ERM-W2 resonses

Root cause analysis is a process of identifying the cause of the issue and eliminating it by using several tools and techniques at different stages. Information security plays a very vital role in every organization and this article evaluates different tools and techniques used to perform root cause analysis in information security management effectively.

I have chosen an Information Security case study which evaluates risk assessment with root cause analysis on the basis of cost and benefits. The study finds that in comparison to the risk assessment, the benefits of the Root cause analysis tools are a better understanding of the social aspects of the risk, especially with regards to social and administrative causes for the problem (Hellesen, Torres & Wangen, 2018).


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Risk assessment gives us the information about the probability of the risk and helps us avoid it or counter-attack it in a few cases but it does not actually provide the root cause to solve an issue. Thus when risk assessment combined with root cause analysis would help us solve the problem more effectively

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