Duverger Law

What is ‘Duverger’s Law’? In general, how useful is it for explaining party systems? Does its usefulness vary across different countries? If so, why?

Write an essay on ONE of the following topics. Your essay 5-6 pages long, typed, double-spaced, with 10-12 point font and 1”-1.5” margins.  Please turn in an electronic copy of your take-home essay (either a Microsoft Word Document or a PDF) via the Canvas assignment; email submissions are allowed only in exceptional circumstances. You may NOT collaborate with classmates on the take-home exams, and we will be using Turnitin to check for plagiarism. You need not include a bibliography, but you are responsible for citing non-original arguments (e.g., “This argument is usually associated with Downs and has structured much of the debate on the subject.  However . . .”). For more information on Duverger Law checkout this:


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