Describe the challenges you might encounter while working with this interdisciplinary healthcare team.




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To prepare for this Assignment, review the client case below.

Review the readings on assessments and treatments for adults, then decide which you as the social worker working with the client might use to help alleviate the symptoms of the client from the identified case.In a 6- to 8-page paper :

Summarize the patient demographics (age, gender, ethnicity or race, place of residence, place of birth, etc.) that the case study features.

Discuss the personal characteristics, family characteristics and other Social Determinants of Health (Micro, mezzo, and macro) and explain how each appears to be impacting her.

Provide a description of the comorbid conditions and the impacts on the client and her family

Devise an interdisciplinary team (IDT) for the patient in the assigned case study (Keep in mind that IDT are not just medical professionals and describe what makes them a team)

Discuss who would be on the team and their specialties (discipline), roles, and responsibilities on the team and in the care of the patient.

Describe the focus of care of the members of the team, particularly with regards to the client’s health, pregnancy, and mental health.

Explain the primary roles and responsibilities that a medical social worker might take on in the case and the team.

Explain some of the values of IDTs working together and identify some common goals that the team can work to achieve with the client in the case (support this with reading resources provided you this semester)

Describe the challenges you might encounter while working with this interdisciplinary healthcare team.

Explain how the challenges you identified might negatively affect the patient and the patient’s family in the assigned case study, if not addressed.  Explain strategies you would employ to address the challenges.

Society of Clinical Psychology (use this website and browse by diagnosis) (Links to an external site.)

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