check my first three paragraphs that i already wrote and write more two paragraphs

here is the Outline from my instructor, it describes every things I have to do in the paper. each step means one paragraph.


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CTP3 – Analysis and Critique of a Social Media Message

In this unit, we have focused on the topic of media literacy as it relates to social media. In this paper,

you will choose a company or organization, examine and critique their social media presence and respond by

recommending a future course of action. Your paper should integrate ideas (quotations, paraphrases, and/or

summaries) from at least two sources in this unit. The goal is to demonstrate that you understand the main

points of each source and can apply the critical thinking skills of evaluation, response and synthesis by making

connections between sources and integrating your own ideas to formulate a recommendation.

Step 1: Choose a company

  • Choose a company that has a strong message on social media.
  • Provide Background on the company
    • What is their business?
    • Has it changed over the years
    • Mention at least two examples of historical advertisements

Step 2: Analyze their social media message

  • What social media platforms are they on?
  • Who is their target audience?
  • What is the message that they are trying to communicate?
    • Text and subtext
  • Name the “tools of persuasion” used

Step 3: Write a critique of the social media message using principles of media literacy discussed

  • Recognize bias, spin, misinformation and lies
  • Discover the part of the story that’s not being told
  • What aspects of the message are effective and what aspects can be improved?

Step 4: Synthesize by integrating ideas (quotations, paraphrases, and/or summaries) from at least two sources in this unit.

  • Define and discuss two media literacy / social media principles that can be used to evaluate this message.

Step 5: Respond

  • How can this company’s social media strategy be improved?
  • How can social media be used effectively to communicate and persuade?

I uploaded my writing from step 1 to step 3 in three paragraphs in a file please check the grammar mistakes, misspelling, and run on sentences. And write for me the last two steps in two paragraphs.


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check my first three paragraphs that i already wrote and write more two paragraphs was first posted on February 22, 2021 at 4:07 pm.
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