Based on the course readings and your own research on followership, describe the concept of followership and the application concept of followership in a public safety environment.

Read the following article:

Reynolds, B. (2015). Why followership is as important as police leadership. Law Enforcement Today.


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Based on the course readings and your own research on followership, describe the concept of followership and the application concept of followership in a public safety environment.
Conduct an assessment of your followership skills by answering Reynolds (2015) questions:

1. Do your leaders believe that you are a valuable member of the team? Are you actively engaged in the goals of your leader and the organization, and do you seek to provide usefulness to your work unit?

2. Do you actively display behaviors that show your commitment to the organization? Regardless of your personal views or self-interest, do you provide the same level of support and commitment towards organizational goals that you would expect from your own followers?

3. Are you able to transition from a leadership role to a followership role with ease, and with an equal amount of enthusiasm for both roles?

4. Do you believe that you have to be a good follower before you can be a good leader? Do you recognize that by actively seeking to improve your followership skills, you are also improving your ability as a leader?

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