assignment 1

Community Health Roles

The Community Health Roles worksheet.


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(Instructions are also on the first two pages of the worksheet)

Part I:
Start by reviewing the articles on quasi-government and non-governmental agencies in your REQUIRED course materials. Then:

  • Provide solid definitions of governmental agencies, quasi-government, non-government agencies. Please do not copy your definitions from a dictionary or any source. You must explain these in your own words. Copying and/or direct quoting will result in 0 points on this portion of your assignment.
  • Explain the difference between public health and medical services.

Part II:
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the chart below. In each box in column 1, you need to select four public health concerns from the list below. (You might want to review information on some of the suggested health topics in Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 9 in your textbook, listed in RECOMMENDED course materials.) Your task is to find health-related organizations/agencies and a link to their website that address these issues at three distinct levels:

  • Governmental Agencies (column B)
  • Quasi-Government Agencies (column C)
  • Non-Governmental Agencies (column D).

Then, in column E, write in one or two sentences explaining why this issue is a public or community health concern. Remember that public/community health focuses on populations, not individuals. Think back to your explanation in Part II outlining the differences between public health medical services. You are required to review scholarly research to determine the role of public health as it relates to these issues. Each description MUST include a citation.

Please note that your description of the importance to public health should not be rooted in the individual medical health care. Public health focuses on populations, not individual care. See the example below to help you with your worksheet responses.

Pick 4 from this list:

Premature infants

Alzheimer’s disease

Injury and violence prevention

Air pollution

Water pollution


Food safety

Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Emergency Preparedness


Alcohol Abuse



Sleep health

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder







Health Concern




Why is this issue a significant community/public health concern?


National Cancer Institute (part of the National Institutes of Health) ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)

American Cancer Society ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Colorado State University (cancer research center)
( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States (, 2015). By researching and developing means of prevention, we can reduce premature deaths in the population thereby improving the health of our nation.

Reference: (2015). Cancer. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Retrieved from…

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