Analyzing Plot English homework help

Plot Development


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As you read Act 3 and Act 4 of The Taming of the Shrew, notice events which take place to help develop the plot. Identify which part of the plot is being developed (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, or resolution), include the Act and Scene numbers along with the text, and write an explanation/analysis of what is taking place. You may also include events from Act 1 or Act 2.  An example has been provided for you.

 Element of the Plot

Act, Scene and Lines

Explanation/ Analysis



Act 1, Scene 1

BAPTISTA: “Gentlemen, importune me no farther,
For how I firmly am resolved you know;
That is, not bestow my youngest daughter
Before I have a husband for the elder:
If either of you both love Katharina,
Because I know you well and love you well,
Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure.”

In these lines, we are introduced to Baptista, a father who wants to find a husband for his oldest daughter, Katharina.  The conflict of the play is also introduced as Baptista has decided that his youngest daughter cannot marry until Katharina does. These lines provide readers with some background information on Baptista and his daughters, as well as their familial relationship.  They also reveal that while Baptista loves both of his daughterâ€s, he is at a loss for how to manage his oldest daughter, Katharina. 



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Analyzing Plot English homework help was first posted on February 24, 2021 at 1:21 am.
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